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Show online: All modern photographer. #22 STREETS. Particular Merit Mention. All About

Awards and distinctions

Photographer of the Year (Still Life / Professional) 1839 Awards 2024. US.
FINALIST (Sensorial Fusion) New York Triennial of Latin American Art. N.Y, US.
JURORS' PICKS  Street photographers awards 2024. Street photographers foudation.
- Silver Medal (To the series) Fotoslovo Award 2024. International Photo Contest.
- Honorable Mentions
(Category: Calle) Fotoslovo Award 2024. International Photo Contest.
- Honorable Mentions
(Category: Calle) Fotoslovo Award 2024. International Photo Contest.
- Honorable Mentions 
(Category: Calle) Fotoslovo Award 2024. International Photo Contest.
- Honorable Mentions 
(Category: Calle) PX3 - The Prix de la Photographie 2024.
Runner-Up (Street photography) Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ. US.
FINALIST 14th Annual Photobook Exhibition. Griffin Museum of Photograpy, Winchester, MA. US.
FINALIST 2024 Members Exhibition. Hunterdon Museum of Art. Clinton, NJ. US.
FINALIST 1º Bienal Internacional De Arte Postal. Museu Correios, Brasilia. Brazil.
FINALIST WideOpen 2024: Excellence in Photography. WideOpen Biennial Athens, OH. US.
FINALIST1º Bienal Internacional De Arte Postal. Palácio de Correos de México, Mexico City. Mexico.
FINALIST Winter Solstice 2024. Griffin Museum of Photograpy Winchester, MA. US.
FINALIST Tehran Street Photography Festival 2024. Tehran Street Photography Festival,Tehran. Iran.
- GOLD  (Fine Art / Collage) International Juried Exhibition. Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris ( PX3 ) 2023, Francia.
- Honorable Mention (Book-Documentary) Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris ( PX3 ) 2023, Francia.
- Silver  (Fine Art / Collage). Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2023. Hungría.
- Bronze  (Fine Art / Special Effects). Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2023. Hungría.
- GOLD  (Technique - Double Exposure) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Silver (Life Style-Wedding) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Silver (Zines and Photo Book-Culture) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Bronze (Zines and Photo Book-Other) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Bronze (Life Style-Travel) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Human-Other) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Life Style-Street) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Zines and Photo Book-Street) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Human-Youth) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Bronze Winner (Fine Art-Special Effects) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2023. Japón.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art-Collage) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2023. Japón.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art-Other) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2023. Japón.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art-Still Life) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2023. Japón.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art Other)  IPA 2023. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (Book Documentary)  IPA 2023. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (People Other)  IPA 2023. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Silver Winner (Category: PhotojournalismWorld Photo Annual. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Bronze Winner (Category: Película/analógicaWorld Photo Annual. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: Calle) World Photo Annual. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: ConceptualWorld Photo Annual. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: Arte finoWorld Photo Annual. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention IPA 2023 Deeper Perspectives Award. IPA, United States.
FINALIST Larnaca Biennale. The Cyprus Chamber of Fine  Arts. Larnaca,  Chipre.


Curator's choice  Portraits Beyond Faces. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery, Budapest. Hungary.

FINALIST  Photographic Visions – Summer 2023. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery, Budapest. Hungary.

FINALIST The Natural And The Artificial. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery and ART150 Gallery, Jersey City, NJ, United States.

FINALIST Significant Colour. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery, Budapest. Hungary.

FINALIST SCAPES(International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery, Barcelona, Spain.

- People´s Vote Award (Category: Still Life) The  Color Photography Contest. reFocus Awards. United States.

- Silver Winner (Category: Street) The Color Photography Contest. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: Still Life) The Color Photography Contest. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: Domestic AnimalsThe Color Photography Contest. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: PhotojournalismThe Color Photography Contest. reFocus Awards. United States.

FINALIST Human Rights? Hope. Foundation Opera Campana Dei Caduti, Rovereto. Italy.

FINALIST Silence. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery,Budapest. Hungary.

FINALIST Urban. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery, Budapest. Hungary.

FINALIST Scene and Meaning: the art of photography. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery. Barcelona, Spain.

Honorable Mention Personality: Contemporary Portraiture. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría. 
FINALIST Photographic Visions – 2nd session. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
Invited 1st B&W Athens Photography B&W. (International Juried Exhibition) Blank Wal Gallery. Athens, Greece.
- Honorable Mention (Book-Documentary) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2022. Japón.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art Conceptual) Neutral Density photography awards. 2022. 
- Honorable Mention (Architecture-Buildings ). Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2022. Hungría.
- Winner in Educational Exterior Architecture Photography . The Architecture MasterPrize. The best in International Architecture. CA, USA.
- Honorable Mention in Exterior Architecture Photography / Exterior Details. The Architecture MasterPrize. The best in International Architecture. CA, United States.
- Honorable Mention in Exterior Architecture Photography / Educational Exterior. The Architecture MasterPrize. The best in International Architecture. CA, United States.
FINALIST Biennial small WORKS. Garrison Art Center Garrison, NY. United States.
FINALIST Miami Street Photography Festival 2022. (International Juried Exhibition) Miami, FL. United States.
FINALIST Motion. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
FINALIST Time. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
FINALIST Shape. (International Exhibition)   PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
FINALIST 'Portraits Without Faces' (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
FINALIST  “Travel”. (International Exhibition) Blank Wal Gallery. Athens, Greece.
FINALIST -Scape-. (International Exhibition)  PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
FINALIST Dis/harmony. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungary.
- Honorable Mention (Architecture). Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris ( PX3 ) 2022, Francia.
- Silver Winner (Fine Art / Abstract) Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2022. Rusia.
- Honorable Mention (Portfolio/ Personal) Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2022. Rusia.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art / Special Effects) Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2022. Rusia.
FINALIST Florida Showcase 2022. Snap! Space. Orlando, FL. United States.
- FINALIST Art For Real - Second Edition. Boomer Gallery. Tower BridgeLondon. United Kingdom
- FINALIST Human Rights? # no gap. Foundation Opera Campana Dei Caduti, Rovereto. Italy.
- FINALIST About Face. Sobo Gallery. Art Association Winter Garden, FL. United States.
FINALIST Double Take (International Juried Exhibition). The Art Effect's Trolley Barn Gallery N.Y.
- AWARD SHORTLIST  Land, land, land. (photo/video) London International Creative Competition. LICC 2021. England.
- Silver Winner Black & White. WORLD'S TOP 10 MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHERS  2021.
- Silver Winner Street. WORLD'S TOP 10 MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHERS  2021.
- Bronze Winner Fine Art. WORLD'S TOP 10 MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHERS  2021.
- Honorable Mention (Professional street) 2021. International Monochrome Photo Awards.
- Honorable Mention (Professional lansdcape) 2021. International Monochrome Photo Awards.
- Honorable Mention (Professional photojournalism) 2021. International Monochrome Photo Awards.
- Silver Winner (Book-Documentary) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2021. Japón.
- Particular Merit Mention AAP Magazine #22 STREETS. All About Photo.
- FINALISTS Double Take International Juried Exhibition. The Art Effect's Trolley Barn Gallery N.Y.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art / Abstract). Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2021. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention Category Portfolio-Personal. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2021. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention (people - travel / culture) Neutral Density photography awards. 2021. 
- Honorable Mention (editorial - documentary) Neutral Density photography awards. 2021. 
- Honorable Mention (editorial - photo essay / story) Neutral Density photography awards. 2021. 
- Honorable Mention (people - travel / culture) Neutral Density photography awards. 2021. 
- Honorable Mention  (Architecture - Abstract) IPA 2021. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Bronze Winner  Category Travel. WORLD'S TOP 10 BLACK & WHITE PHOTOGRAPHERS 2021.
- Silver Winner  Category Street. WORLD'S TOP 10 BLACK & WHITE PHOTOGRAPHERS 2021.
- Bronze Winner  Book-Documentary. Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris ( PX3 ) 2021, Francia.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art / Abstract). Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris ( PX3 ) 2021, Francia.
- Bronze Winner  Book-Documentary. Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2021. Rusia.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art / Abstract) Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2021. Rusia.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art / Other) Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2021. Rusia.
- AWARD FINALIST Anonimus. (photo/video) London International Creative Competition. LICC 2020. England.
- AWARD SHORTLIST Notes for the end of a Century... (photo/video) London International Creative Competition. LICC 2020.
- AWARD SHORTLIST  S/T. (photo/video) London International Creative Competition. LICC 2020. England.
- FINALISTS (Art of the Surreal, Fantastic and Bizarre) National Juried Art Exhibition BARRETT ART CENTER. N.Y.
- JURY TOP 5 SELECTION  Book-Documentary. Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Bronze Winner Category Book-Documentary. Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Bronze Winner Category Book-Documentary. Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Honorable Mention Category Portfolio-Personal. Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Award Finalist Inside / Book.  PHmuseum 2nd Photobook On Mobile Photography, 2021. PHOTOGRAPHIC Museum of Humanity.  Bologna, Italy.
-  Silver Winner Category Nature-Pets. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
-  Bronze Winner Category Book-Documentary. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.

-  Bronze Winner Category. Architecture-Industrial. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría. 

-  Honorable Mention Category Book-Documentary. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.  

-  Honorable Mention Category Editorial-Photo Essay. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.

-  Honorable Mention Category Fine Art-Collage. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría. 

-  Honorable Mention Category Portfolio-Personal. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.

-  3rd Place/Bronze Award (Special: Mobile Photography) Neutral Density photography awards. 2020.

-  Honorable Mention  (Fine Art: Photomanipulation) Neutral Density photography awards. 2020. 

-  Honorable Mention  (Fine Art, Minimal / Minimalism) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
-  Honorable Mention  (Analog / Film, Other) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
-  Honorable Mention  (Editorial / Press, Photo Essay Feacture Story) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
-  Honorable Mention  (Editorial / Press, Photo Essay / Feacture Story) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
-  Honorable Mention  (Event, Traditions and Cultures) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
-  Honorable Mention  (Fine Art, Collage) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
-  Honorable Mention  (Book, Self Published) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
-  Mención Honorífica (Nature / Domestic Animals) PX3 2020. Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris. Francia.
-  Mención Honorífica (Book / Documentary) PX3 2020. Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris. Francia.
-  2nd Place. (Documentary / Street). Members Show Winners FMoPA. 2020. EE.UU.
-  Mención Honorífica (Book Documentary) MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.
-  Mención Honorífica (Portfolio - Personal) MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.
-  Mención Honorífica (Fine art - Collage) MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia. 
-  Mención Honorífica (Architecture - Cityscape) MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.
-  Silver (Editorial Photo - Essay) MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.

- Honorable Mention (Portfolio-Personal) BIFA 2019. Budapest International Foto Awards. Hungria. 

- 2nd Place (Special Pets) IPA 2019. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.

- Honorable Mention. (Book self Published) IPA 2019.  International Photography Awards. EE.UU.

- Honorable Mention (Book documentary) IPA 2019.International Photography Awards. EE.UU. 

- Award Finalist The Big Reveal: Telling Truth in an Age of Fiction. Projection outside El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe (CENTER 
  and CURRENTS New Media Festival). Santa Fe, NM. EE.UU.
- Mención Honorífica (Book Documentary) MIFA 2019. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.

- AWARD: SHORTLIST (Professional) LICC 2018. London International Creative Competition. England..

- Mención Honorífica (Professional) Book 2018. International Monochrome Photo Awards.

- Mención Honorífica International Photography Awards. (Professional) IPA 2018. (Event-Traditions and Cultures) EE.UU.
- Award Finalist ¨AQUA Preview Show¨, Orlando Downtown Arts District, Orlando, Florida. EE.UU.
- Award Finalist ¨photo exhibit international¨. Downtown Arts Collective, Orlando, Fl.  EE.UU.


- Invitado: Miembro del Comité Internacional de Selección ¨XII Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Florencia
  2019¨ Italia.
- Miembro del Comité de Selección ¨Concurso Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, Miami 2017¨ EE.UU.


- 3º Premio. Colectiva 16th Annual Members Show. The Florida Museum of Photographic Arts, Tampa. EE.UU.
- Invitado: Miembro del Comité Internacional de Selección ¨XI Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Florencia 
  2017¨, Italia.


- PRIZE SHOWCASE WINNER. 6ST 2015 ArtSlant. Category Photography. Plataforma online.
- PRIZE SHOWCASE WINNER. 3ST 2015 ArtSlant. Category Photography. Plataforma online.
- PRIZE SHOWCASE WINNER. 1ST 2015 ArtSlant. Category Photography. Plataforma online.
- Award Finalist: “Human Rights”. International Exhibition. The House of Peace. Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti-
  Rovereto. Italia.

- Award Finalist: Jurado Internacional de Premiación: VII Bienal Internacional de Arte SIART 2011. "Diálogos en la Complejidad" Museo Tambo Quirquincho. Ciudad de La Paz. Bolivia. 


- Finalista “XXXVI Premio Bancaja de Pintura, Escultura y Arte Digital” Instituto de Arte Moderno de Valencia, Sala La Muralla,
  Valencia. España.
- Award Finalist: Jurado Internacional de Premiación: VI Bienal Internacional de Arte SIART 09. ¨Flujos y reflujos¨ Centro de Arte
  Contemporáneo de la Fundación Simón L. Patiño, Edificio Guayaquil. Cochabamba - Bolivia.
- Finalista “II Certamen de Artes Plásticas de la Fundación Villalar-Castilla y León” Sede de las Cortes de Castilla y León.
  Valladolid, España.


- Finalista (obra adquirida) “VIII Concurso Fiestas de San Juan, 98”. Sala de Exposiciones Caja Duero, Soria. España. 


- 2º Premio. VII Concurso “Fiestas de San Juan, 97” Caja Duero, Soria. España.


- Mención “Imágenes de Cuba” Foto-Service S.A. Cuba.
- Nominación porfolio de diamante. “Photophinfestival 93” Museo de bellas Artes Santo Domingo. República Dominicana.
- Premio. ”La juventud cubana” Editorial Abril, Cuba.


- Mención. “Salón de la Ciudad" La Habana, Cuba.


- 1º Premio. “Salón Nacional de la Gráfica 26 de julio” Cuba. 
- Mención. “VII Bienal Internacional del Humor” Museo del Humor. San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba.
- Premio. Salón de Artes Plásticas 13 de Marzo, Galería de la Universidad de la Habana. Cuba.
- Premio. “El Gladiador” Diario Tribuna de la Habana, “X Aniversario”. Cuba.


- Mención. “Salón Nacional periodístico 1º de Mayo” Cuba.
- Premio. “III Salón de Artes Plásticas Mirta Cerra” Cuba.
- 2º Premio “Salón Nacional Periodístico 26 de Julio” Cuba.
- Mención “Salón Nacional Periodístico 26 de Julio” Cuba.
- 1º Premio. “Carnaval Ciudad de la Habana 90” Cuba.


- Premio. Concurso de Cartel “Carnaval Infantil de la Habana Vieja” Cuba.
- Finalista “Concurso de Fotografía” Casa de Cultura del Vedado, Cuba. 


- 1º Premio. Salón de pintura de la Habana Vieja. Casas de Culturas. Cuba.
- Mención. (En categoría de Fotografía) Salón Nacional de Artes Plásticas. Casas de Culturas. Cuba.
- Premio. (Categoría de Artes Aplicadas) Salón Nacional de Artes Plásticas. Casas de Culturas. Cuba.
- Finalista “Salón de Dibujo de la Ciudad”, Galería Galiano. Cuba.


- Mención. (Dibujo) Salón Provincial de Artes Plásticas. Casas de Culturas. Cuba.
- Finalista (Fotografía) “25 Aniversario de Casas de Culturas”. Museo de Bellas Artes de La Habana. Cuba.
- Finalista Concurso Fotográfico “Carnaval Ciudad de la Habana 85” La Habana, Cuba.


Copyright © 2014/2025 Jose Ney Mila Espinosa.

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