Show online: All modern photographer. #22 STREETS. Particular Merit Mention. All About
Awards and distinctions
- Photographer of the Year (Still Life / Professional) 1839 Awards 2024. US.
- FINALIST (Sensorial Fusion) New York Triennial of Latin American Art. N.Y, US.
- JURORS' PICKS Street photographers awards 2024. Street photographers foudation.
- Silver Medal (To the series) Fotoslovo Award 2024. International Photo Contest.
- Honorable Mentions (Category: Calle) Fotoslovo Award 2024. International Photo Contest.
- Honorable Mentions (Category: Calle) Fotoslovo Award 2024. International Photo Contest.
- Honorable Mentions (Category: Calle) Fotoslovo Award 2024. International Photo Contest.
- Honorable Mentions (Category: Calle) PX3 - The Prix de la Photographie 2024.
- Runner-Up (Street photography) Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ. US.
- FINALIST 14th Annual Photobook Exhibition. Griffin Museum of Photograpy, Winchester, MA. US.
- FINALIST 2024 Members Exhibition. Hunterdon Museum of Art. Clinton, NJ. US.
- FINALIST 1º Bienal Internacional De Arte Postal. Museu Correios, Brasilia. Brazil.
- FINALIST WideOpen 2024: Excellence in Photography. WideOpen Biennial Athens, OH. US.
- FINALIST1º Bienal Internacional De Arte Postal. Palácio de Correos de México, Mexico City. Mexico.
- FINALIST Winter Solstice 2024. Griffin Museum of Photograpy Winchester, MA. US.
- FINALIST Tehran Street Photography Festival 2024. Tehran Street Photography Festival,Tehran. Iran.
- GOLD (Fine Art / Collage) International Juried Exhibition. Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris ( PX3 ) 2023, Francia.
- Honorable Mention (Book-Documentary) Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris ( PX3 ) 2023, Francia.
- Silver (Fine Art / Collage). Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2023. Hungría.
- Bronze (Fine Art / Special Effects). Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2023. Hungría.
- GOLD (Technique - Double Exposure) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Silver (Life Style-Wedding) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Silver (Zines and Photo Book-Culture) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Bronze (Zines and Photo Book-Other) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Bronze (Life Style-Travel) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Human-Other) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Life Style-Street) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Zines and Photo Book-Street) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Human-Youth) Analog Sparks Winner 2023. United States.
- Bronze Winner (Fine Art-Special Effects) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2023. Japón.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art-Collage) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2023. Japón.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art-Other) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2023. Japón.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art-Still Life) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2023. Japón.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art Other) IPA 2023. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (Book Documentary) IPA 2023. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (People Other) IPA 2023. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Silver Winner (Category: Photojournalism) World Photo Annual. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Bronze Winner (Category: Película/analógica) World Photo Annual. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: Calle) World Photo Annual. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: Conceptual) World Photo Annual. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: Arte fino) World Photo Annual. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention IPA 2023 Deeper Perspectives Award. IPA, United States.
- FINALIST Larnaca Biennale. The Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts. Larnaca, Chipre.
- FINALIST BIENNALE OF CONTEMPORARY SACRED ART. Palace des Ambassadeur, Menton. France.
- Curator's choice Portraits Beyond Faces. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery, Budapest. Hungary.
- FINALIST Photographic Visions – Summer 2023. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery, Budapest. Hungary.
- FINALIST The Natural And The Artificial. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery and ART150 Gallery, Jersey City, NJ, United States.
- FINALIST Significant Colour. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery, Budapest. Hungary.
- FINALIST SCAPES. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery, Barcelona, Spain.
- People´s Vote Award (Category: Still Life) The Color Photography Contest. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Silver Winner (Category: Street) The Color Photography Contest. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: Still Life) The Color Photography Contest. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: Domestic Animals) The Color Photography Contest. reFocus Awards. United States.
- Honorable Mention (Category: Photojournalism) The Color Photography Contest. reFocus Awards. United States.
- FINALIST Human Rights? Hope. Foundation Opera Campana Dei Caduti, Rovereto. Italy.
- FINALIST Silence. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery,Budapest. Hungary.
- FINALIST Urban. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery, Budapest. Hungary.
- FINALIST Scene and Meaning: the art of photography. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery. Barcelona, Spain.
- Honorable Mention Personality: Contemporary Portraiture. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
- FINALIST Photographic Visions – 2nd session. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
- Invited 1st B&W Athens Photography B&W. (International Juried Exhibition) Blank Wal Gallery. Athens, Greece.
- Honorable Mention (Book-Documentary) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2022. Japón.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art Conceptual) Neutral Density photography awards. 2022.
- Honorable Mention (Architecture-Buildings ). Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2022. Hungría.
- Winner in Educational Exterior Architecture Photography . The Architecture MasterPrize. The best in International Architecture. CA, USA.
- Honorable Mention in Exterior Architecture Photography / Exterior Details. The Architecture MasterPrize. The best in International Architecture. CA, United States.
- Honorable Mention in Exterior Architecture Photography / Educational Exterior. The Architecture MasterPrize. The best in International Architecture. CA, United States.
- FINALIST Biennial small WORKS. Garrison Art Center Garrison, NY. United States.
- FINALIST Miami Street Photography Festival 2022. (International Juried Exhibition) Miami, FL. United States.
- FINALIST Motion. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
- FINALIST Time. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
- FINALIST Shape. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
- FINALIST 'Portraits Without Faces' (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
- FINALIST “Travel”. (International Exhibition) Blank Wal Gallery. Athens, Greece.
- FINALIST -Scape-. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungría.
- FINALIST Dis/harmony. (International Exhibition) PH21 Gallery. Budapest, Hungary.
- Honorable Mention (Architecture). Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris ( PX3 ) 2022, Francia.
- Silver Winner (Fine Art / Abstract) Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2022. Rusia.
- Honorable Mention (Portfolio/ Personal) Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2022. Rusia.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art / Special Effects) Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2022. Rusia.
- FINALIST Florida Showcase 2022. Snap! Space. Orlando, FL. United States.
- FINALIST Art For Real - Second Edition. Boomer Gallery. Tower BridgeLondon. United Kingdom
- FINALIST Human Rights? # no gap. Foundation Opera Campana Dei Caduti, Rovereto. Italy.
- FINALIST About Face. Sobo Gallery. Art Association Winter Garden, FL. United States.
- FINALIST Double Take (International Juried Exhibition). The Art Effect's Trolley Barn Gallery N.Y.
- AWARD SHORTLIST Land, land, land. (photo/video) London International Creative Competition. LICC 2021. England.
- Silver Winner Black & White. WORLD'S TOP 10 MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHERS 2021.
- Silver Winner Street. WORLD'S TOP 10 MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHERS 2021.
- Bronze Winner Fine Art. WORLD'S TOP 10 MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHERS 2021.
- Honorable Mention (Professional street) 2021. International Monochrome Photo Awards.
- Honorable Mention (Professional lansdcape) 2021. International Monochrome Photo Awards.
- Honorable Mention (Professional photojournalism) 2021. International Monochrome Photo Awards.
- Silver Winner (Book-Documentary) Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2021. Japón.
- Particular Merit Mention AAP Magazine #22 STREETS. All About Photo.
- FINALISTS Double Take International Juried Exhibition. The Art Effect's Trolley Barn Gallery N.Y.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art / Abstract). Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2021. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention Category Portfolio-Personal. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2021. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention (people - travel / culture) Neutral Density photography awards. 2021.
- Honorable Mention (editorial - documentary) Neutral Density photography awards. 2021.
- Honorable Mention (editorial - photo essay / story) Neutral Density photography awards. 2021.
- Honorable Mention (people - travel / culture) Neutral Density photography awards. 2021.
- Honorable Mention (Architecture - Abstract) IPA 2021. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Bronze Winner Category Travel. WORLD'S TOP 10 BLACK & WHITE PHOTOGRAPHERS 2021.
- Silver Winner Category Street. WORLD'S TOP 10 BLACK & WHITE PHOTOGRAPHERS 2021.
- Bronze Winner Book-Documentary. Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris ( PX3 ) 2021, Francia.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art / Abstract). Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris ( PX3 ) 2021, Francia.
- Bronze Winner Book-Documentary. Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2021. Rusia.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art / Abstract) Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2021. Rusia.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art / Other) Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2021. Rusia.
- AWARD FINALIST Anonimus. (photo/video) London International Creative Competition. LICC 2020. England.
- AWARD SHORTLIST Notes for the end of a Century... (photo/video) London International Creative Competition. LICC 2020.
- AWARD SHORTLIST S/T. (photo/video) London International Creative Competition. LICC 2020. England.
- FINALISTS (Art of the Surreal, Fantastic and Bizarre) National Juried Art Exhibition BARRETT ART CENTER. N.Y.
- JURY TOP 5 SELECTION Book-Documentary. Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Bronze Winner Category Book-Documentary. Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Bronze Winner Category Book-Documentary. Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Honorable Mention Category Portfolio-Personal. Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Award Finalist Inside / Book. PHmuseum 2nd Photobook On Mobile Photography, 2021. PHOTOGRAPHIC Museum of Humanity. Bologna, Italy.
- Silver Winner Category Nature-Pets. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Bronze Winner Category Book-Documentary. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Bronze Winner Category. Architecture-Industrial. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention Category Book-Documentary. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention Category Editorial-Photo Essay. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention Category Fine Art-Collage. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention Category Portfolio-Personal. Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- 3rd Place/Bronze Award (Special: Mobile Photography) Neutral Density photography awards. 2020.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art: Photomanipulation) Neutral Density photography awards. 2020.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art, Minimal / Minimalism) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (Analog / Film, Other) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (Editorial / Press, Photo Essay Feacture Story) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (Editorial / Press, Photo Essay / Feacture Story) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (Event, Traditions and Cultures) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (Fine Art, Collage) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (Book, Self Published) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Mención Honorífica (Nature / Domestic Animals) PX3 2020. Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris. Francia.
- Mención Honorífica (Book / Documentary) PX3 2020. Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris. Francia.
- 2nd Place. (Documentary / Street). Members Show Winners FMoPA. 2020. EE.UU.
- Mención Honorífica (Book Documentary) MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.
- Mención Honorífica (Portfolio - Personal) MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.
- Mención Honorífica (Fine art - Collage) MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.
- Mención Honorífica (Architecture - Cityscape) MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.
- Silver (Editorial Photo - Essay) MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.
- Honorable Mention (Portfolio-Personal) BIFA 2019. Budapest International Foto Awards. Hungria.
- 2nd Place (Special Pets) IPA 2019. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention. (Book self Published) IPA 2019. International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention (Book documentary) IPA 2019.International Photography Awards. EE.UU.
- Award Finalist The Big Reveal: Telling Truth in an Age of Fiction. Projection outside El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe (CENTER
and CURRENTS New Media Festival). Santa Fe, NM. EE.UU.
- Mención Honorífica (Book Documentary) MIFA 2019. Moscow International Foto Awards. Rusia.
- AWARD: SHORTLIST (Professional) LICC 2018. London International Creative Competition. England..
- Mención Honorífica (Professional) Book 2018. International Monochrome Photo Awards.
- Mención Honorífica International Photography Awards. (Professional) IPA 2018. (Event-Traditions and Cultures) EE.UU.
- Award Finalist ¨AQUA Preview Show¨, Orlando Downtown Arts District, Orlando, Florida. EE.UU.
- Award Finalist ¨photo exhibit international¨. Downtown Arts Collective, Orlando, Fl. EE.UU.
- Invitado: Miembro del Comité Internacional de Selección ¨XII Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Florencia
2019¨ Italia.
- Miembro del Comité de Selección ¨Concurso Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, Miami 2017¨ EE.UU.
- 3º Premio. Colectiva 16th Annual Members Show. The Florida Museum of Photographic Arts, Tampa. EE.UU.
- Invitado: Miembro del Comité Internacional de Selección ¨XI Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Florencia
2017¨, Italia.
- PRIZE SHOWCASE WINNER. 6ST 2015 ArtSlant. Category Photography. Plataforma online.
- PRIZE SHOWCASE WINNER. 3ST 2015 ArtSlant. Category Photography. Plataforma online.
- PRIZE SHOWCASE WINNER. 1ST 2015 ArtSlant. Category Photography. Plataforma online.
- Award Finalist: “Human Rights”. International Exhibition. The House of Peace. Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti-
Rovereto. Italia.
- Award Finalist: Jurado Internacional de Premiación: VII Bienal Internacional de Arte SIART 2011. "Diálogos en la Complejidad" Museo Tambo Quirquincho. Ciudad de La Paz. Bolivia.
- Finalista “XXXVI Premio Bancaja de Pintura, Escultura y Arte Digital” Instituto de Arte Moderno de Valencia, Sala La Muralla,
Valencia. España.
- Award Finalist: Jurado Internacional de Premiación: VI Bienal Internacional de Arte SIART 09. ¨Flujos y reflujos¨ Centro de Arte
Contemporáneo de la Fundación Simón L. Patiño, Edificio Guayaquil. Cochabamba - Bolivia.
- Finalista “II Certamen de Artes Plásticas de la Fundación Villalar-Castilla y León” Sede de las Cortes de Castilla y León.
Valladolid, España.
- Finalista (obra adquirida) “VIII Concurso Fiestas de San Juan, 98”. Sala de Exposiciones Caja Duero, Soria. España.
- 2º Premio. VII Concurso “Fiestas de San Juan, 97” Caja Duero, Soria. España.
- Mención “Imágenes de Cuba” Foto-Service S.A. Cuba.
- Nominación porfolio de diamante. “Photophinfestival 93” Museo de bellas Artes Santo Domingo. República Dominicana.
- Premio. ”La juventud cubana” Editorial Abril, Cuba.